Family Experience

First Family Day Experience in Houston

We had our first mission completed in Houston! 

We were able to take Nolan, who is 6 years old, to see a super heroes show called Marvel Universe Live! Nolan was super happy about the show. He was wearing the costume of the Hulk.  He went to the show with his brother and his parents. 

The mom stated “ It was so good. We had front row seat! The boys were freaking out! We were so close! We love it!”

We want to give special thanks to @MarvelOnTour for donating the tickets to Nolan and his family. 

All hail Queen Maddie! Maddie Engel's Queen for a Day at Dairy Queen

All hail Queen Maddie! Maddie Engel's Queen for a Day at Dairy Queen

Maddie was also interviewed by the Owatonna newspaper, and was incredible. “They all deserve a day like this,” she stated, referring to the other children with cancer she got to know while staying at the Ronald McDonald House during treatment phases. The story made the front page, appropriately titled “Queen Maddie.”

The Minneapolis Miracle!

The Minneapolis Miracle!

Our incredible local committee worked some real magic to send one of our local kids to a Vikings game. It just so happened it was quite the game to attend - at the last minute, the Vikings made an incredible play and won, sending them to the NFC championship. Better yet, the miracle play was made by our lucky attendee's favorite player and they were only yards away from the thrilling action. 

AND THEN...Roger Goodell handed our Viking fan and his brother two tickets to THE SUPER BOWL! We worked it out so the entire family can now attend and we are THRILLED for this experience of a lifetime! 

This is what we and our volunteers LOVE to do. For those of you who donate or participate in our For a Day 5K, this is what it's all for and we thank you for providing us the means to jump into opportunities like this. 

8th Annual Fashion Show – May 3, 2015

8th Annual Fashion Show – May 3, 2015

Another successful fashion show concluded on May 3, 2015. It’s hard to believe, but this was our 8th Annual Fashion Show. Many of our models have been in the show since we started the event years ago and it’s been absolutely amazing to watch them grow from adorable timid youngsters learning their way around the runway to stunning, grown, and strong teenagers (and some are even…gasp…adults….Where does the time go?!!) who owned the runway this year. Two of our models, Billie and Stephanie, graduated from our event this year as they celebrated their 21st birthdays! (click to read more)